IE7pro v1.2 Released (30-10-2007)
IE7Pro is a must have add-on for Internet Explorer, which includes a
lot of features and tweaks to make your IE friendlier, more useful,
secure and customizable. IE7Pro includes Tabbed Browsing Management,
Spell Check, Inline Search, Auto Fill Form, Super Drag Drop, Crash
Recovery, Proxy Switcher, Mouse Gesture, Tab History Browser, Web
Accelerator, User Agent Switcher, Webpage Capturer, AD Blocker, Flash
Block, Greasemonkey like User Scripts platform, User Plug-ins and many
more power packed features. You can customize not just Internet
Explorer, but even your favorite website according to your need and
taste using IE7Pro.
Changelogs: IE7Pro v1.2 (30-10-2007):
1. Ad Blocker -
* Rules Counter added.
* Table filter added.
* Support for "Contains" match.
* Table filter as a separate section in the Ad Blocker rules added.
* Default Ad Blocker rules updated.
2. IE7Pro Menu and Preference Window -
* Shortcut for "Clear Privacy" feature added.
* Uninstall Plugins from the Preference Window now.
* Check for updates Manually now.
3. Autoform ignore parameters now.
4. Support for "View Selected Source Code".
IE7Pro v.1.1 Released (11-09-2007)
Download URL:
MD5SUM: a31cb2ee684d020aede22f9ec703284e
IE7Pro is a must have add-on for Internet Explorer, which includes a lot of features and tweaks to make your IE friendlier, more useful, secure and customizable. IE7Pro includes Tabbed Browsing Management, Spell Check, Inline Search, Auto Fill Form, Super Drag Drop, Crash Recovery, Proxy Switcher, Mouse Gesture, Tab History Browser, Web Accelerator, User Agent Switcher, Webpage Capturer, AD Blocker, Flash Block, Greasemonkey like User Scripts platform, User Plug-ins and many more power packed features. You can customize not just Internet Explorer, but even your favorite website according to your need and taste using IE7Pro.
Changelogs: IE7Pro v1.1 (11-09-2007):
1 Add Online Bookmarks
2 Add Text Saver
3 Add Privacy Cleaner
4 Easy Homepage improved
5 Fix some bugs
IE7pro v1.0 Released (14-08-2007)
Download URL:
MD5SUM: bce4998f0c0d9decbb936eb5a7a9da68
IE7Pro is a must have add-on for Internet Explorer, which includes a lot of features and tweaks to make your IE friendlier, more useful, secure and customizable. IE7Pro includes Tabbed Browsing Management, Spell Check, Inline Search, Auto Fill Form, Super Drag Drop, Crash Recovery, Proxy Switcher, Mouse Gesture, Tab History Browser, Web Accelerator, User Agent Switcher, Webpage Capturer, AD Blocker, Flash Block, Greasemonkey like User Scripts platform, User Plug-ins and many more power packed features. You can customize not just Internet Explorer, but even your favorite website according to your need and taste using IE7Pro.
Changelogs: IE7Pro v1.0 (14-08-2007):
1. EasyHome added
2. Hotkey full customizable now
3. Single IE instance support
4. Tab session restore function added
5. Can use hotkey to dupliate tabs
6. DEP problem solved
7. Fix autofill in iframe bugs
8. Inline search improved
9. Spell checking improved
10. Plugin system improved
11. IE6 Quick Search Added
12. Update automatic notfiy now
Flash Tutorial : Using IE7Pro User Script
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Flash Tutorial : Using IE7Pro Tab History Management
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Flash Tutorial : Using IE7Pro Supper Drag & Drop
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Flash Tutorial : Using IE7Pro Supper Drag & Drop
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Flash Tutorial : Using IE7Pro Proxy Switcher
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Flash Tutorial : Using IE7Pro Ad Blocker
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Download Flash File
http://www.ie7pro.com/img/tutorial/AD_ Block.swf
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Flash Tutorial : Using IE7Pro Inline Search
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Flash Tutorial : Using IE7Pro Mouse Gestures
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Flash Tutorial : using ad blocker
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Download Flash File
http://www.ie7pro.com/img/tutorial/AD_ Block.swf
Watch Macromedia Captivate Source
http://www.ie7pro.com/img/tutorial/AD_ Block.cp
Tutorial : How to make a plugin for IE7Pro
To make a JavaScript plug-in for IE7Pro, you must:
- Know a little JavaScript of another language programming (JavaScript is easy!)
- Understand the Document Object Model of IE (and others browsers)
- Can using an notepad (such Notepad++ or Notepad.exe)
This tutorial is very easy but demonstrates only the basis features of the plug-ins
Naturally, you can learn more information about the plug-in on the IE7Pro Web Site.
The common architecture
The root directory
To start a plug-in, I recommended you to create a directory in the /plugins.
The name of this directory should be the same that the name you'll give to your plug-in, but it's not very important.
The PLUGIN.JS file
In this directory, put a plugin.js file.
The content of all plug-ins should begin with this:
// ==UserScript==
// @name PluginName (by Author)
// @namespace http://iescripts.org/
// @description MoreInfo
// @statussize Size of the plugin (ie: 16)
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
// Localize the URL's path
function fpath(url) { return "ie7pro://pluginpath/"+url; }
// Content all the PLUGIN API
var plugin = PRO_plugin(@name);
// Used to know which icon is currently used
var getIcon = function() {
return "ie7pro://pluginpath/bg.png";
// Used to set the icon of the plugin
function setIcon(url) {
getIcon=function() { return url; };
plugin.onpagechange=function (sessID, url, state) {
if (state==1) {
// A new page is opened
if (state==2) {
// A new page is loaded
The utility of all the functions
- fpath (url)
Transform a relative URL to a long URL. IE7Pro do that for you.
IE7PRO://pluginpath/ is replaced by the local path of the plug-in's root directory.
- plugin
See the reference of the PLUGIN API on http://www.iescripts.org/help/pro_plugin.html
In addition to the PLUGIN API, some other PRO_ functions are accessible in the code
- get/setIcon([newUrl])
Get or set the icon of the Plug-in.
The recommended size is 16 by 16 pixels.
- onpagechange(sessID, url, state)
This function is call each time a new page is opened and loaded.
You can't interact with the page when the status is set to "opened".
sessID: sessID is very important, that's the identifier of the current tab.
When you want to do something on a tab, you must have a reference to this session's ID.
url: The URL of the page currently opened (can be found without this parameter)
state: The status of the actual page (1: opened; 2: loaded)
In the cycles of live of a page, the onpagecreate event is called two times. Firstly with state = 1 and secondly with state = 2.
Sample of use: Print the URL of the file in the plug-in area
plugin.onpagechange=function (sessID, url, state) {
if (state==1) {
plugin.setStatusText(url, sessID)
How to create a Button Plug-in
Catch the onclick event
The most of the time, you'll make a clickable plug-in.
To catch when the user click on the plug-in, there's the onclick event
plugin.onclick = function(sessID, currentUrl) {Sample of use: Clear the plug-in's area
// The user click on the plug-in
plugin.onclick = function(sessID, currentUrl) {
plugin.setStatusText("", sessID)
Displaying an image instead of the text
Display a text in the plug-in area is very useful but the most of the time, it's better to display an icon (such the "e"-icon of IE7Pro)
To do this, you must indicate an icon in the header of the file and store this icon in the root directory
// @defaulticon ie7pro://pluginpath/bg.png
If you want a highlight of your icon when the mouse comes in the plug-in area, you can use this simple code:
plugin.onmouseenter = function() {
plugin.onmouseleave = function() {
How to create a context-menu for the plug-in?
To add an entry to the context-menu of the plug-in, you can do this:
function func(sessID, url) {
// The use clicked on "DisplayText"
plugin.registerContextMenu("DisplayText", func)
If you want to add a separator, you can use this code:
How to save / load options
Theses two functions are used to store settings of your application, such language…
// Get the value of "optionName"
var option = PRO_getValue(optionName, valueIfOptionIsNotSetted)
// Set the value of "optionName"
PRO_setValue(optionName, option)
Interact with the page
Getting the URL of the page
The URL can be obtained with the url parameter.
But if you want, you can find the URL of the current document without it.
// Get the URL as text-format
function getUrl(sessID) {
return plugin.getCurrentDocument(sessID).location.href;
You can get the URL as URILocation (see MSDN: document.location), too :
// Get the URL as URILocation
function getUri(sessID) {
return plugin.getCurrentDocument(sessID).location;
Executing JavaScript into the web page
They are two ways to execute JavaScript on the current page.
With PRO_openInTab
If you have only a short JavaScript to execute (one line), you can simply use the PRO_openInTab, this is easy and you don't pass any parameter to the function
function injectJS(js) {
PRO_openInTab("javascript:" + js, 0)
How does this function work? This is simple, Internet Explorer executes JavaScript if the location of a page is set to "javascript: …". Here we are opening a javascript: URL in the current tab (parameter 0). Because it's an URL, it can only execute one line of JavaScript.
With window.execScript
Internet Explorer implements a simple function for evaluating scripts in a window.
function evalJS(js, sessID) {
var document = plugin.getCurrentDocument(sessID);
var window = document.parentWindow;
You can also specify the language and execute any VBScript:
function evalVB(vb, sessID) {
var document = plugin.getCurrentDocument(sessID);
var window = document.parentWindow;
You can now execute more than one line of code (\n = new line):
var doSomething=(
"if (document.getElementById('data')) {\n"+
" document.getElementById('data').value='Plugin Actived !'; \n"+
evalJS(doSomething, sessID);
Using DOM
Here, we'll do the same thing that the preview code, but directly in the plug-in:
The first thing you must do before is getting the document and the window objects
To do this, you need the id of the current session.
function setData(sessID) {
var document = plugin.getCurrentDocument(sessID);
var window = document.parentWindow;
// ...
Next to this, you can do as you were in a JavaScript file:
function setData(sessID) {
var document = plugin.getCurrentDocument(sessID);
var window = document.parentWindow;
if (document.getElementById('data')) {
document.getElementById('data').value='Plugin Actived !';
Using ActiveXObject
Currently, it's not possible to create an instance of an ActiveXObject.
The follow code causes an error:
plugin.onclick = function(sessID, currentUrl) {
try {
var document = plugin.getCurrentDocument(sessID);
var window = document.parentWindow;
var activeX = window.ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument");
PRO_openInTab("javascript:alert('"+activeX+"')", 0)
} catch (ex) {
PRO_openInTab("javascript:alert('"+ex.message+"')", 0)
Using popup
Use the plugin.popupWindow function and plugin.onpopupclose event to use popup
Some tips:
- Encode your files as ANSI or UNICODE
- Start all your files with <!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet -->
- Impose a font for your dialogs by CSS
* { font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 10pt; }
- Try to let some with space at bottom of your dialogs for large-font UI
- Return a value to onpopupcolose with window.returnValue
Some useful functions
These functions need evalJS and evalVB functions.
Alert (Message Box)
function alert(txt, sessID) {
var document = plugin.getCurrentDocument(sessID);
var window = document.parentWindow;
return window.alert(txt);
Confirm (True – False)
function confirm(txt, sessID) {
var document = plugin.getCurrentDocument(sessID);
var window = document.parentWindow;
return window.confirm(txt);
Prompt (String)
function propmt(txt, default, sessID) {
var document = plugin.getCurrentDocument(sessID);
var window = document.parentWindow;
return window.prompt(txt, default);
GetSelection (Text-/ControlRange)
function getSelection(sessID) {
try {
var document = plugin.getCurrentDocument(sessID);
return document.selection.createRange();
} catch (ex) { return null; }
Go (Navigate in the history)
// 0 : Refresh; 1 : Next; -1 : Preview
function go(index, sessID) {
var document = plugin.getCurrentDocument(sessID);
var window = document.parentWindow;
$ (GetElementById)
function $(ID, sessID) {
var document = plugin.getCurrentDocument(sessID);
return document.getElementById(ID);
Learn more
- http://www.iescripts.org/help
- http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms533054.aspx
- Google is your friend!
Thanks to Author: FremyCompany
7 Internet Explorer Add-Ons to Supercharge Your Browsing
Although the selection of add-ons isn’t as extensive compared to the number of Firefox extensions, you can still find several (for free) that help make your web browsing faster and more productive. We’ll highlight seven of these add-ons for IE7:
1. IE7Pro: This is an extremely feature-rich add-on that includes mouse gestures, crash recovery, tab history, support for Greasemonkey-like scripts, and much more. We could almost end this post right here given how feature-packed this add-on is.
2. GooglePreviewIE: Adds thumbnail images to the search results pages of Google and Yahoo so you can preview websites before clicking through.
3. IECopySelectedLinks: Forget about copying links one by one. This add-on lets you select multiple links at once and copy them to the clipboard. Very handy when you need to do some research.
4. BizForm Bar: Until identity management systems like OpenID start being adopted en masse, filling out registration forms at every website you go to will be a continuing headache. Make life easier by installing an auto form filler that will remember your passwords and personal information for you.
5. ieSpell: One of the most useful features in Firefox 2 is the inline spell-checking feature. Now you can have it in IE7 too. If you’re a blogger, this is a must-have.
6. StumbleUpon Toolbar: Join 2 million other users who are channel-surfing the web. Now that eBay has acquired StumbleUpon, you’ll be hearing a lot more about it if you haven’t already.
7. RSS Feeds Toolbar: Displays the latest feed headlines in a toolbar. Perfect for the feed addict who needs to stay in constant contact with the latest news.
Bonus: FoxyTunes for Internet Explorer: Lets you control media players like iTunes, Winamp, and Windows Media Player from your browser। A must-have for heavy music listeners.
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How to Block Intellitxt Ads
Source : http://www.ie7pro.com/ad-blocker-intellitxt.html
What is Intellitxt and How does it works?
- IntelliTXT is a advertistment platform developed by Vibrant Media. Website authors insert a script into their pages which calls the IntelliTXT platform when a viewer views the page; this script then finds keywords on the page and double underlines them. When holding the mouse over the double underlined link, an advertisement associated with that word will pop up. Advertisers pay to have their ads associated with particular words. "Context" is considered ensuring that the ads are relevant to the web page hosting IntelliTXT.
- The liability of this feature is that it makes pages more difficult to read; scrolling down the page may inadvertently cause delays while random ads flash on and pause before disappearing.
How to Block Intellitxt Ads
- There are many way to remove Intellitxt Ads, IE7Pro Ad Blocker may be the easist way for Internet Explorer 7 user.
- 1. Open IE7Pro "Preferrence" - "Ad blocker" to add Ad Blocker Rules
- 2. Select Filter Type as "Url Block Filter" and add "*intellitxt.com*" and "*vibrantmedia.com*" to the rules.
- 3. Browse the website with intellitxt and You will found the Intellitxt Ads is disappeared.
IE7Pro beefs up Internet Explorer
Author: By Peter Butler
Mozilla Firefox gets a lot of praise for the countless third-party extensions that add features like FTP, download management, and tab customization to the open-source browser. The most popular browser on the market, Internet Explorer, also has its fair share of add-ons, but nowhere near the number or quality of its competitor.
One new download for Internet Explorer, however, adds a number of valuable features that are only replicated in numerous different Firefox extensions. Among its many enhancements, IE7Pro adds tab management, ad blocking, Flash blocking, crash recovery, and the ability to re-open closed tabs to the Microsoft browser. Even cooler, it allows user-based scripts much like Greasemonkey for Firefox. Again, the scripts aren't nearly as impressive as Greasemonkey, but the idea is a good one.
User scripts in IE7Pro let you download Flash video, skin Gmail, or preview links in Google.
(Credit: CNET Networks)
Despite the name, the latest version of IE7Pro now supports both Internet Explorer 6 as well as Internet Explorer 7. I can't understand why anyone would continue to use IE6 by choice, but I also know personally many people who have switched back from version 7, so it's great to see IE7Pro support it.
As mentioned, a lot of the functionality in IE7Pro already exists in Mozilla Firefox or can be duplicated with extensions. IE7Pro adds a few new powers to tab management, such as the ability to retrieve closed tabs via a "tab history" interface and close tabs by double-clicking, but Tab Mix Plus for Firefox blows it away when it comes to customizing the appearance and behavior of your browser tabs.
An ad blocker in IE7Pro comes with a large number of default filters for blocking advertisements from Web pages, and the ability to create your own filter with domain names and wild cards. Adblock Plus for Firefox offers a very similar feature, with the further ability to block out specific images or domains directly from Web pages. However, in my testing, the two were equally effective in filtering out advertisements from mainstream commercial Web sites.
The "Greasemonkey-like" user scripts in IE7Pro appear to have a lot of potential, but they're definitely kludgey. In particular, the Gmail CSS skin, which is supposed to clean up the appearance of the already spartan Gmail interface, caused severe instability and a few full crashes. Stability in general was compromised in Internet Explorer 7 whenever I ran any of the user-based scripts.
Compare the AccuWeather plug-in for IE7Pro (above) with ForecastFox (below) in this split-screen image.
(Credit: CNET Networks)
There are a few additional plug-ins for IE7Pro that add even more features, but they're limited right now to three types of additional content in your IE status bar: AccuWeather forecasts; Alexarank and Google pagerank for any Web site; and Web server info for visited sites. When compared to ForecastFox for Firefox, however, the AccuWeather interface in IE7Pro leaves much to be desired.
For me, the coolest unique feature in IE7Pro is the ability to quickly snap screenshots of your browser windows, including full Web pages, even if they stretch far below the edge of your browser interface. The Firefox add-on Snapper provides similar functionality, but it hasn't been updated for Firefox 2.0. I'll likely disable all of the scripts and plug-ins for IE7Pro, but the screenshot and tab-history features definitely make it worth keeping it installed for now.
PC Pro: Product Reviews: IE7pro
While Firefox has enjoyed a healthy plug-in community for several years, Internet Explorer has lagged behind somewhat. That's set to change with the arrival of IE7 and the http://www.ieaddons.com/ website, though. There are 400 downloadable extensions for IE7 users, although with many coming at a cost, it's best to choose wisely.
The latest Firefox release has a spellchecker as one of its core features, so it's good to see IE7 catch up at last. ieSpell is free for personal use and integrates with Microsoft Office's proofing tools, including bi-directional use of your existing custom dictionary. It doesn't actually require Office to work, though, and uses both UK and US dictionaries. Ultimately, it isn't quite as good as the Firefox checker, which highlights spelling errors on-the-fly, but until something better arrives, it's an essential download.
IE7pro is another free add-on that attempts to address the gap between Internet Explorer and Firefox. With an emphasis on ease of use, security and customisation, it does a pretty good job. Highlights include the ability to double-click and close a tab, Opera-style mouse gestures (waggle your mouse to perform an action), saving the whole web page to an image and a basic ad blocker. But our favourite function has to be the Firefox-alike session crash recovery that can get you right back to where you were. With support for Vista too, it comes highly recommended.
LinkStash is a commercial add-on, but comes with a 30-day evaluation period. It's also the last bookmark manager you'll ever need. Supporting Opera and Firefox bookmarks, as well as IE7, all your Favorites are kept in a single
Explorer-style format. Every bookmark has a field for comments (and automatic website password control), plus ratings and colour highlight labelling - you can also open it from within IE7 tabs. With all your bookmarks in one file, it makes backup and synchronisation between computers much easier. It saves space as well: 500 bookmarks that would use 2MB in IE require only 70KB with LinkStash.
Ad Muncher is another of the commercial add-ons available for IE7, but having used it for a few weeks we soon forgot about that - just like we forgot about website adverts. The ad-blocking market is a crowded one, but Ad Muncher has been seven years in development and it shows. It's hugely customisable, will remove pop-ups, pop-unders, embedded adverts, audio, Flash, background images, prevent auto-bookmarking, prevent web-bug tracking and all the time leave small, inoffensive text-only adverts alone (unless you want it to remove them as well).
The extensive configuration options mean you can be sure Ad Muncher will take out only what you don't want to see, leaving what you do want where it is. Not all ad blockers are so considerate. Indeed, it's up to you to decide exactly what Ad Muncher treats as an advert, from standard banners to specific keywords and even down to a JavaScript call, if you like. Page formatting is left intact, with only the ads removed, and there's little impact on loading times. Best of all, though, it just works without creating any browsing problems, and that's exactly how it should be.
For even the most casual web developer, the Microsoft-developed IE Developer Toolbar is another essential. One click opens up a toolbar occupying the bottom third of your screen, from where you can manipulate, explore and further understand any web page you visit. From modifying the Document Object Model (DOM) to locating specific elements of the page, you can view HTML object class names, link paths and tab index values. You can validate HTML, CSS, WAI and RSS, display image dimensions and file sizes, and even instantly resize IE to any given window size. Whether you're just curious to learn more about web coding, need to troubleshoot a page or ensure your site meets accessibility requirement, the IE Developer Toolbar brings it all together in a single download.
By Davey Winder
Source: http://www.pcpro.co.uk/reviews/107319/ie7pro.html
Tucows Articles - How To Block Ads On the Web
How To Block Ads On the Web
By Jordan Running
Advertising is a hairy creature. You could consider it either the best thing or the worst thing ever to happen to the web. Best because it allows a wide variety of online services from email to video hosting to be used free of charge by anyone on the planet. Worst because, let's face it, a lot of ads on the web are alarmingly obnoxious.
I'm here to tell you how to get rid of almost all of the obnoxious ones. Not because I don't think the operators of free sites deserve to make a living, but because I think if they can't do it without giving me a headache in the process, they might want to think about adjusting their business model.
Let's Talk About Pop-Ups
Pop-up windows, and their crafty cousins pop-unders, occupy their own special place in advertising hell. Fortunately, if you're using a modern web browser, pop-ups should be little more than a distant�possibly repressed�memory. Current browsers like Firefox, Internet Explorer 7, and Opera all feature built-in pop-up blocking that works great. If you're not using one of these browsers (you can check your Internet Explorer version by going to Help > About...), then for your own sake upgrade! I recommend going straight for Firefoxo or Opera, but if you're an Internet Explorer fan the most recent version is passable.
By the way, if you're already running one of these browsers and are seeing more than the occasional pop-up window, especially when you're not browsing the web, you probably have a different problem: spyware or adware, collectively referred to as malware. Malware is malicious software that infiltrates your computer for the purpose of stealing your personal information, using it as part of a "botnet" to send out spam or viruses, or, in some cases, just showing you unwanted ads. These programs sometimes launch pop-up windows using your web browser (so they might say "Internet Explorer" at the top), but the problem is actually unrelated to your browser. To get rid of these you'll have to run a malware removal program like Ad-Aware or Spybot Search & Destroy, which is a different topic entirely.
Blocking the Rest...
...in Firefox
With pop-up ads out of the way, we can deal with the rest of our problem: Animated banners that flash garish colors, play music and sounds, obscure the content we're trying to read, and urge us to punch monkeys and zap gnomes. If you use Firefox, your best choice is Adblock Plus, a free add-on that's capable of blocking almost all ads on the web.
Most of the time Adblock Plus just sits on your toolbar or status bar looking pretty. You wouldn't even know it's working except for the refreshing lack of ads on the sites you visit. By default Adblock Plus (ABP) blocks every ad it can. One thing you'll want to do is add some subscriptions at the ABP site. Subscriptions are regularly-updated lists of "rules" for blocking new types of ads and ad providers. If you click on ABP's red stop sign icon, you'll see a list of all the rules you currently have. You don't want to go overboard with rules, since you might inadvertently end up blocking things�like real content you're interested in�that you don't want to.
While you're browsing, if you see an ad that Adblock Pro isn't blocking automatically, you can right-click on it and choose the Adblock option (like "Adblock Image" or "Adblock Frame") to quickly add a rule for it, thus blocking it forever. If you decide there's a web site or a page that you don't want to block ads on�say, a page you visit frequently and want to support�you can right-click on the ABP icon and disable ad-blocking on the current page or the entire server. This will add an "exception rule" to your rule list.
One small caveat is that if you have a lot of rules they might occasionally interfere with legitimate content. So if you go to a page and don't see what you expect (like some photos that are supposed to be there), try turning off Adblock Plus by middle-clicking (i.e. with the mouse wheel) or right-clicking and unchecking "Enable Adblock Plus" and reloading the page. If the content that was missing has suddenly appeared, you may want to add a rule if you intend to visit the site in the future.
...in Internet Explorer
As I've remarked before, the free add-on market for Internet Explorer is anemic compared to Firefox's, but you're not totally out of luck. A good place to start is IE7Pro. IE7Pro isn't just an ad-blocking add-on, it also has a lot of other useful features like tabbed browsing enhancements, crash recovery, mouse gestures and more. In the ad department it blocks Flash ads, images, and IFrames much like Adblock Plus according to URL.
Unlike Adblock Pro, by default IE7Pro automatically blocks all Flash movies, which may include things like games or videos you're interested in. In this case, you have to add the site to your whitelist by right-clicking on the IE7Pro icon in the status bar and choosing Ad filter advanced > Don't block this site...
Another option, if you think blocking ads might be worth a few bucks to you, is the well-regarded Ad Muncher. Ad Muncher is a stand-alone program that works with all browsers (and some other programs like ICQ) and claims "the most extensive advertising filter list available." Ad Muncher is free to try, but costs $24.95 after the 30-day trial. Also, it has a cute cow mascot which I'm rather fond of.
Like I said, ads can be obnoxious but some of them are a necessary evil. Remember that some of the sites you use every day exist solely because of ad revenue, and if you want those sites to continue to exist you should should do them the courtesy of not blocking their ads, and even clicking on them once in awhile. That said, for those ads that give us headaches and get in our way deserve to be blocked, and hopefully these tools will help you do it.
Source: http://www.tucows.com/article/1516Use IE7Pro User Script to download youtube video
Download Youtube Video

- Are your tired of copy&paste urls to download youtube video? Now it's even easier!
Simple Steps to Download Youtube Video
- 1. Download and Install IE7Pro 0.9.12
- 2. Enable "Download Video from Youtube" in "Features" - "User Scripts"
- 3. Now on every youtube video page there should be a download like right beside the video , that says "save as..." to download this youtube video.
- 4. click the download link, and save the video file as a .flv file. IE7 will try to save it as "get_video", you need to change the file type to .flv type, and change the first part to whatever you prefer.
- 5. Now you need to either download a media player that runs .flv flies, or download a program that converts them to other files types. Here are some links of both.
- FLV PLayers
- FLV Player
- VLC player
- FLV Converters
- Riva FLV Encoder
- Total Video Converter
Alternative User Script to Download Youtube Video
- Another built-in User Script, "Download Video", supports YouTube, Google Video, Metacafe, Myspace, Break.com, Putfile, Dailymotion, Sevenload, MyVideo.de and Clipfish.de. You can use that to download youtube video.
How to write an plugin for IE7Pro
- 1. General infomation
- All plugin file located in <IE7Pro Installation Directory>/plugins/<plugin name>/plugin.js .
- We only support one javascript file now( all functions must be in this file).It must be named as "plugin.js".
- for example:
- c:\program files\ie7pro\plugins\serverinfo\plugin.js
- And you need the next header for plugin.js
- // ==UserScript==
// @name testplugin
// @namespace http://www.artefxdesign.com/greasemonkey
// @description Adds Netflix search links to IMDb pages
// @statussize 80
// ==/UserScript==
@name must be an unique id compare to other plugins.
@statussize is the width of status bar display area for this plugin. - 2. Current Support APIs:
- (1) PRO_setValue(name, value)
- Allows user script authors to persist simple values locally.
- (2) PRO_getValue(name, default)
- Retrieve a value set with setValue. If the value is not found, default is returned instead.
- (3) PRO_log(msg)
- Output the debug message. you need install debugview to see the msg.
- http://www.microsoft.com/technet/sysint … gview.mspx
- (4) PRO_openInTab(url, flags)
- Open an new tab.
- flags:0=Current Tab, 1= New Tab Foreground, 2= New Tab Background
- (5) PRO_addStyle(css)
- Adds a string of CSS to the document.
- (6) var httpreq = PRO_xmlhttpRequest();
- Same as XMLHTTPRequest but can make an xmlhttp request to other domains.
- http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms535874.aspx
- (7) var plugin = PRO_plugin(@name);
- Methods:
- 1) registerContextMenu(name, func)
- registerContextMenu("separator"); // add an separator for menu
- function prototype: menuCommand(cookie, url)
- 2) setStatusInfo(imgurl, text, tip, cookie)
- 3) popupWindow(url, width, height, cookie)
- URL support local path:ie7pro://pluginpath/foo.png
- Properties:
- 1) onpagechange
- fire when url change. state:1=page loading, 2= page loaded
- function prototype: handlePageChange(cookie, url, state)
- 2) ontabcreate
- fire when Tab created.
- function prototype: handleTabCreate(cookie)
- 2) onpopupclose
- fire when the window which opened by popupWindow closed.
- function prototype: handlePopupClose(url)
- 3. User scripts
- User scripts support all above APIs except PRO_plugin.
- User scripts are executed after the DOM is fully loaded, but before onload occurs.
- They are executed in an environment very much like regular DHTML scripts are, and executed completely in the content document.
- 4. Example : Alexa rank and Google Pagerank Plugin
// ==UserScript==
// @name Alexa rank/google pagerank
// @namespace http://www.alexa.com
// @description Display web site Alexa Rank & Google Rank(Thanks SearchStatus@Firefox)
// @statussize 160
// ==/UserScript==(function()
var plugin = PRO_plugin(@name);
plugin.onpagechange = handlePageChange;
plugin.registerContextMenu("Show Google results from this site", menuShowGoogleResult);
plugin.registerContextMenu("Show Google Related Site", menuShowGoogleRelated);
plugin.registerContextMenu("Show Alexa Overview", menuShowAlexaOverview);
plugin.registerContextMenu("Show Alexa Traffic Detail", menuShowAlexaTraffic);
var gCookie = "";
var gAlexaRank = "";
var gGoogleRank = "";
var reqObj = new Object();
reqObj.request = function(callback, cookie, url, userAgent, lastModify) {
var req;
req = PRO_xmlhttpRequest();
req.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (req.readyState == 4) {// completed
if (req.status < 400) {// only if "OK"
try {
callback(true, req, cookie);
} catch(err) {
} else {
// PRO_log("There was a problem loading data :\n" + req.status+ "/" + req.statusText);
callback(false, req, cookie);
setTimeout(function() {req.forceClean();req = null;}, 1000);
try {
req.open("GET", url);
req.setRequestHeader( "User-Agent", userAgent);
if(lastModify.length > 0)
req.setRequestHeader( "If-Modified-Since", lastModify);
} catch(err){
return req;
}// escape the url
function encodeURL(url)
return escape(url).replace(/\+/g, '%2B').replace(/\"/g, '%22').replace(/\'/g, '%27');
function menuShowGoogleResult(cookie,url) {
}function menuShowGoogleRelated(cookie,url) {
}function menuShowAlexaOverview(cookie,url) {
var urlhost = url.split("/");
var qhost = urlhost[2];
}function menuShowAlexaTraffic(cookie,url) {
var urlhost = url.split("/");
var qhost = urlhost[2];
}function handlePageChange(cookie, url, state) {
if(state == 1) {// page loading
var re = /http:\/\/(.*)/i;
var urlhost = url.split("/");
var qhost = urlhost[2];
gCookie = cookie;
gAlexaRank = "";
gGoogleRank = "";
var encodeurl = encodeURL(qhost);
var queryurl = "http://xml.alexa.com/data?cli=10&dat=nsa&ver=quirk-searchstatus&uid=20060101000000&userip=" + encodeurl;
reqObj.request(processAlexaData, cookie, queryurl, "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; Alexa Toolbar)", "Thu, 26 Aug 2002 08:24:16 GMT");var encodeurl2 = encodeURL(url);
var reqgr = "info:" + url;
var reqgre = "info:" + encodeurl2.replace( "_", "%5F" );
var gGoogleCHCalc = new googlechcalc();
var mGoogleCH = gGoogleCHCalc.googleCH( gGoogleCHCalc.strord( reqgr ) );
mGoogleCH = "6" + gGoogleCHCalc.googleNewCh( mGoogleCH );
queryurl = "http://toolbarqueries.google.com/search?client=navclient-auto&ch=" + mGoogleCH + "&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&features=Rank&amp;q=" + reqgre;
reqObj.request(processGoogleData, cookie, queryurl, "User-Agent", "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; GoogleToolbar 2.0.114-big; Windows XP 5.1)");} else if(state == 2) {// page loaded
}function processAlexaData(isOK, req, cookie) {
if(gCookie == cookie) {
if(isOK) {
var re = /TEXT=\"(\d+)\"\/\>/i;
var alexaRank = req.responseText.match(re);
if(alexaRank.length > 1)
gAlexaRank = alexaRank[1];
gAlexaRank = "0";
} else {
gAlexaRank = "0";
if(gGoogleRank.length > 0) {
}function processGoogleData(isOK, req, cookie) {
if(gCookie == cookie) {
if(isOK) {
var re = /Rank_.*?:.*?:(\d+)/i;
var googleRank = req.responseText.match(re);
if(googleRank.length > 1)
gGoogleRank = googleRank[1];
gGoogleRank = "0";
} else {
gGoogleRank = "0";
if(gAlexa.length > 0) {
}function processResult()
plugin.setStatusInfo("", "Alexa:"+FormatInteger(gAlexaRank)+" Google:"+gGoogleRank + "/10", "", gCookie);
function googlechcalc() {
return this;
googlechcalc.prototype =
googleNewCh: function( ch )
ch = ( ( ( ch / 7 ) << 2 ) ( ( this.myfmod( ch,13 ) ) & 7 ) );
prbuf = new Array();
prbuf[0] = ch;
for( i = 1; i < 20; i++ )
prbuf[i] = prbuf[i-1] - 9;
ch = this.googleCH( this.c32to8bit( prbuf ), 80 );
return ch;
googleCH: function( url )
var init = 0xE6359A60;
var length = url.length;
var a = 0x9E3779B9;
var b = 0x9E3779B9;
var c = 0xE6359A60;
var k = 0;
var len = length;
var mixo = new Array();
while( len >= 12 )
a += (url[k+0] +(url[k+1]<<8) +(url[k+2]<<16) +(url[k+3]<<24));
b += (url[k+4] +(url[k+5]<<8) +(url[k+6]<<16) +(url[k+7]<<24));
c += (url[k+8] +(url[k+9]<<8) +(url[k+10]<<16)+(url[k+11]<<24));
mixo = this.mix(a,b,c);
a = mixo[0]; b = mixo[1]; c = mixo[2];
k += 12;
len -= 12;
c += length;
switch( len )
case 11:
c += url[k+10]<<24;
case 10:
case 9 :
case 8 :
case 7 :
case 6 :
case 5 :
case 4 :
case 3 :
case 2 :
case 1 :
mixo = this.mix( a, b, c );
if( mixo[2] < 0 )
return ( 0x100000000 + mixo[2] );
return mixo[2];
hexdec: function( str )
return parseInt( str, 16 );
zeroFill: function( a, b )
var z = this.hexdec( 80000000 );
if( z & a )
a = a >> 1;
a &= ~z;
a = 0x40000000;
a = a >> ( b - 1 );
a = a >> b;
return (a);
mix: function( a, b, c )
a -= b; a -= c; a ^= ( this.zeroFill( c, 13 ) );
b -= c; b -= a; b ^= ( a << 8 );
c -= a; c -= b; c ^= ( this.zeroFill( b, 13 ) );
a -= b; a -= c; a ^= ( this.zeroFill( c, 12 ) );
b -= c; b -= a; b ^= ( a << 16);
c -= a; c -= b; c ^= ( this.zeroFill( b, 5 ) );
a -= b; a -= c; a ^= ( this.zeroFill( c, 3 ) );
b -= c; b -= a; b ^= ( a << 10);
c -= a; c -= b; c ^= ( this.zeroFill( b, 15 ) );
var ret = new Array( (a), (b), (c) );
return ret;
strord: function( string )
var result = new Array();
for( i = 0; i < string.length; i++ )
result[i] = string.charCodeAt( i);
return result;
c32to8bit: function( arr32 )
var arr8 = new Array();
for( i = 0; i < arr32.length; i++ )
for( bitOrder = i * 4; bitOrder <= i * 4 + 3; bitOrder++ )
arr8[bitOrder] = arr32[i] & 255;
arr32[i] = this.zeroFill( arr32[i], 8 );
return arr8;
myfmod: function( x, y )
var i = Math.floor( x / y );
return ( x - i * y );
function FormatInteger( integer )
var pattern = "###,###,###,###";
var result = '';
integerIndex = integer.length - 1;
patternIndex = pattern.length - 1;
while( ( integerIndex >= 0 ) && ( patternIndex >= 0 ) )
var digit = integer.charAt( integerIndex );
// Skip non-digits from the source integer (eradicate current formatting).
if( ( digit < '0' ) ( digit > '9') ) continue;
// Got a digit from the integer, now plug it into the pattern.
while( patternIndex >= 0 )
var patternChar = pattern.charAt( patternIndex );
// Substitute digits for '#' chars, treat other chars literally.
if( patternChar == '#' )
result = digit + result;
result = patternChar + result;
return result;
How to use Ad Blocker
How to use Ad Blocker
Block ad sites and remove banners, image ads and flash ads!
What can IE7Pro Ad Blocker do?
IE7Pro Ad Block can block 5 kinds of ad of webpage .
- Block all kind of flash
- Block url source config by src attribute
- Block image files which config by <img> tag
- Block content which config by <div> tag
- Block content which config by <iframe> tag
Flash Block
- Enable/Disable Flash Block
- There are two way to Enable/Disable Flash Block
- 1. "Preferrence" --> "Ad Filter" --> "Enable Flashing Blocking"
- 2. Left click ie7pro status bar icon --> "Enable Flashing Blocking"
- What will be blocked?
- 1. Any kind of flash such as swf and flv will be blocked.
- 2. Any method to embed flash file for playing in webpage will be blocked.
- 3. Flash will not be blocked when flash url is in ie7pro whitelist.
- What should do to not block certern flash?
- IE7Pro 0.9.12 and below will block any flash on any site , so when you want to not block certern flash , you need add the url to whitelist .
- Further version will add more customize features for user to control flash block.
Url Block
- What does url block do?
- Url block will prevent the display of source content config by src attribute. For example :
- 1. <img src="your block url" />
- 2. <script src="your block url" type="text/javascript"></script>
- 3. <iframe src="your block url"></iframe>
- 4. <embed src="your block url"></embed>
- 5. <frame src="your block url" />
- Example: How to online advertisement network provider's ad?
- There are many online advertisement network provider such as Clicksor.com, Bidvertiser.com, Google Adwords, Adtegrity.com and etc . Most of them use <script> tag to embeded their customer's advertisement to publisher's website. We can use ie7pro url blocker to block this type of advertisement.
- Adtegrity.com advertisement code:
- <!-- BEGIN STANDARD TAG - 728 x 90 - Sing365: Section: 4593 - DO NOT MODIFY --><SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript" SRC="http://content.adtegrity.net/rmtag3.js"></SCRIPT><SCRIPT language="JavaScript">var rm_host = "http://ad.adtegrity.net";var rm_section_id = 129;rmShowAd("728x90");</SCRIPT>
- Url Block code: *adtegrity.net/rmtag3.js*
- Be careful, if you ure *adtegrity.net*, that will cause you can not visit http://adtegrity.net also ; If you use rmtag3.js, that may be block rmtag3.js from any site.
- Use image/div/frame block instead of url block
- For url block only prevent content of url to display but not remove tags , url block may cause script erro or blank area. SO ,if you want to block an advertisement, first think about using image/div/frame block block
- For example: <img src="http://images.stardock.com/store/GC2_468x60.gif" width="468" height="60" border="1" />
- you can use url block rule *GC2_468x60.gif* with a 468*60 blank area left ;or use image block rule *GC2_468x60.gif* with nothing left which looks like the ad never exists.
Image Blocker
- What does image block do?
- image block can block ads defined by <img> tag. You can use not only the src attribute but also other attribute such as width,height,border and etc in blocking rules .The blocked <img> tag will be removed from HTML code , making the ad picture looks like never exists .
- Small Tips
- We know most picture in 468*60 are ads , you can add image rules *width*468*height*60* to block all of them. Using regular expression you can write more accurately rules.
Div Block
- What does div block do?
- Div block can block ads defined by <div> tag. You can use all attribute support by <div> tag such as id,class,width,height,style and etc in blocking rules .The blocked <div> tag will be removed from HTML code , making the div content looks like never exists .
Iframe Block
- What does iframe block do?
- Iframe block can block ads defined by <iframe> tag. You can use all attribute support by <div> tag such as url,id,class,width,height,style and etc in blocking rules .The blocked <iframe> tag will be removed from HTML code , making the div content looks like never exists .
- Example:
- Website: http://www.lyricsandsongs.com
- Ad code:
<iframe src="http://adsrv.lyricsandsongs.com/left_160_600.html" width="160" height="600" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> - Iframe block code: *adsrv.lyricsandsongs.com*
Regular Expressions
- How to use Regular Expressions?
- Ie7pro ad blocker use /Regular Expressions/ to define Regular Expressions.
- Example 1:
- /ad\d/ can block URL contains: ad0, ad1, ad2, .... , ad9 . will not block "adm" like "*ad?" do.
- Example 2:
- Source Code: <img src="http://images.test.com/32152/ad468x60.gif" />
- Url block code:/ad\d{3}x\d{2}/
- Img block code:*src=*ad???x??.gif*
- Some Question
- Ask: If I want to filter all images under a directory named "ad_image", I CAN'T add a IMG filter entry like "/ad_image/" since IE7Pro will mis-interprete this as a Regex?
- Answer: */ad_image/* will not be interpreted as Regex .
- Ask: What is regular expressions?
- Answer:If you want to understand Regular Expressions, you should go to this site as he has a pretty good primer on it.http://www.regular-expressions.info/.
Useful features
- View what have been blocked or allowed
- Right click IE7Pro statusbar icon, choose "ad filter advanced" --> "view filter info...." , you can find what have been blocked or allowed.
- Quick action to add whilelist
- This feature especially usefully when you find flash movie or game has been block by ie7pro । Right click IE7Pro statusbar icon, choose "ad filter advanced" --> "Don't block this site...." , the site of current tab will be add into whitelist.
IE7Pro Super Drag & Drop Demo
_uacct = "UA-107905-16"; urchinTracker();
Super Drag & Drop Demo
Just drag an hyper link and drop it, It will automatic open it in new tab
Or select some text, drag and drop it, It will search it using the search engine you selected
Use IE7Pro as IE Crash Recovery
Crash Recovery
- Automatically restores all opened pages after a crash happened
What are Crash Recovery?
- Some people would think IE 7 to be unstable, often crashing without warning or explanation when having trouble loading a page or when new e mail is arriving to a Yahoo mailbox which is open in the browser, etc. With IE7Pro , the "crash recovery" feature can restore the full crashed IE7 session. This makes IE 7 tolerable to use.
How to enable Crash Recovery
- Crash Recovery is an "install and enable" feature which you will only notice right after the occasional crash. You can enable or disable Crash Recovery at "Perference" - "Settings" - "Enable Crash Recovery" .
What would happen when a crash happen .
- After a crash , you can start your Internet Explorer 7 again immediately or after windows restart , and IE7Pro will ask you if you like to recover your session history . By the way , For browsing history that close normally , you can restore them from "Tab history" .
Use IE7Pro as Proxy Switcher
Proxy Switcher
- Different internet connections do often require completely different proxy server settings and it's a real pain to change them manually. IE7Pro Proxy Switcher lets you manage and switch between multiple proxy configurations quickly and easily.
Manage Proxy List
- There are three way to add a new proxy to IE7Pro Proxy List:
- 1 Internet Explorer "Proxy server" setting
- 2 IE7Pro "preference" - "Settings" - "Proxy" . Check the "Use Proxy(Toggle by Ctrl+F9)" and add new proxy and port , eg.
- 3 Click IE7Pro icon on statusbar, select "Proxy List" - "Edit Proxy List"
- You can add / delete proxy list here .
Quick Switch Proxy
- 1 Select the proxy you would like to use from the list
- 2 Press Ctrl + F9 to swich on proxy you choose. The color of IE7Pro status bar icon will change to green .
- 3 Press Ctrl + F9 again to swich off proxy . The color of IE7Pro status bar icon will change back to blue .
Use IE7Pro as IE Mouse Gesture
Mouse Gesture
- rapid execution of common browser commands with mouse movements
What are mouse gesture?
- Mouse Gesture are a fast way to execute commands without using the keyboard, menus or toolbars. Instead, the user holds down a mouse button (usually the right one), moves the mouse in a certain way to form a gesture, then releases the mouse button.
- IE7Pro Mouse Gesture can be used to go back or forward a page, stop / refresh / reload / close / print / save / scroll current tab page , switch between tabs, open new tabs , resize window ,find text , view source and numerous other functions.
Pre-difined Mouse Gesture
- Below is a selection of the wide range of gesture functions IE7Pro pre-difined in internet explorer 7. All screen shots were taken with the optional feature "show mouse trails" enabled, to illustrate how the mouse was moved.
- Back (Left):
- Goes back to previous page in the browsing history.
- Forward (Right):
- Goes one page forward in the browsing history.
- Close Current Tab (Down-Right):
- Closes the active tab . if there is only one tab, load default page.
- Close Other Tab (Down-Left):
- Closes the unactive tab , if there is only one tab, nothing.
- Scroll One Page Up (Up):
- Scroll one page up in current tab . This is helpful for user who reading articles or books online more than 2 pages .
- Scroll One Page Down (Down):
- Scroll one page down in current tab . This is helpful for user who reading articles or books online more than 2 pages .
- Go to Previous Tab (Up-Left):
- Switch active tab from current tab to previous tab .
- Go to Next Tab (Up-Right):
- Switch active tab from current tab to next tab .
- Refresh (Up-Down):
- Refresh page of current tab , this have the same effect with pressing F5
- close (Zigzag):
- Closes the active tab . if there is only one tab, load default page.
- Find (Hold right button,Click left button):
- Open find dialogue of ie7 , this have the same effect with Ctrl+F
Configure More Mouse Gesture
- People can add more Mouse Gesture and actions or modify the combination in "Preference" - "Mouse Gesture" - "Gesture - Action" dialogue to meet your personal convinience . For example , mouse Gesture "Down UP" to print current page .
Top 11 must-have Internet Explorer Addons
In case you’re one of those folks using that other browser (aka Internet Explorer or IE), this post is for you. Here, you’ll find a bunch of cool browser extras (other then Google Toolbar) to make Internet Exlorer way more usable.
(1) LeechVideo - handy IE addon that lets you download favorite videos from popular video sharing websites (i.e. Youtube, Google Video, DailyMotion, etc.). Other alternatives: Viloader Video Downloader
(2) Inline Search - integrates an in-page search feature to Internet Explorer. Use ‘CTR+F’ to launch it in the left-bottom corner of your browser window.
(3) ShareThis - lets you quickly (1) email webpages (or embedded pictures or videos) to friends or contacts (gmail, myspace, facebook…) and (2) post notes to your Facebook/Myspace profiles.
(4) Convert with Zamzar - browser addon from a comprehensive, web-based file conversion service, Zamzar. Lets you convert and download desired files from your favorite websites at the click of a button on your browser toolbar. It can be a Youtube video that you want to play in Windows Media Player, a Flickr image that you need in JPEG format, or a word file that you need in PDF.
(5) Browster - integrates link preview capabilities into your browser. For instance, each time you search on Google, Yahoo, MSN or visit some popular website Browster places a special icon next to each link, hovering your mouse cursor over it triggers a pop-up window displaying the contents of the destination page. Other alternative: Cooliris
(6) FeedsPlus (only IE 7) - in case you’re using your browser to follow-up on feeds, then this is for you. It adds couple of handy features, i.e. ability to read feeds in a combined view and receive pop-up notifications when there are new items to read.
(7) ieSpell - allows you to spell check text input boxes on any webpage (i.e. web mails, forum posts, blog comments, etc.)
(8) McAfee Site Advisor (only IE 5.5 - 6.0) - slim and easy-to-use security addon, features include:
- protects you from adware, spyware, spam, viruses and online scams
- advises you about the safety of websites using a colored button in your browser
- places website safety ratings next to each search result
(9) IeSessions - lets you save the current state of all open windows/tabs, store it to a file and restore it anytime afterwards. Especially useful if you have to switch between multiple computers (i.e. office, home) during the day.
(10) Videoronk (only IE 7) - add ‘Videoronk’ to your search toolbar and you’ll be able to search on top 8 video sharing websites simultaneously (Youtube, Google Video, Vimeo, Metacafe, iFilm, Blip.tv, Revver, DailyMotion and Myspace Video).
(11) IE7Pro (only IE 7) - little overwhelming and takes some time to get used to, but totally worth it. Includes powerful tab manager, AD or Flash blocking utility, crash recovery, Proxy switcher, web accelerator, User Agent switcher, webpage capturer, Greasemonkey scripts support and some more.
Source: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/top-11-must-have-internet-explorer-addons/
Use IE7pro to Save an entire webpage as an image
For example , if you want to save http://www.yahoo.com webpage to image , you can act as below:
1 open http://www.yahoo.com in your ie7 browser .

2 click ie7pro button on ie7 status bar .

3 choose file name (Default name is the title of the webpage,such as "AOLcom - Welcome to AOL") and file type (png , gif, jpg , tiff , bmp) to save the picture .

Now you can see the whole picture of

Winston's Attic: Internet Explorer 7 a major improvement but still lacking some features
Don’t get me wrong. I agree Internet Explorer 7 (IE 7) is a vast improvement over its predecessor but I still feel that Microsoft failed to include what I consider some essential features – many features found in its competitors. When I say competitors, I am referring to Mozilla’s Firefox and Opera web browser. Here are some things I would have wanted to see included in IE 7, including: ad blocking, download manager, spell checker and mouse gestures.
I understand that many websites host ads in order to support themselves. But, I am not very fond of viewing a website where 50% of the screen is filled with flash animation, sponsor links, marquees and ads for Viagra. At best, it clutters the webpage and, at worst, a visitor might inadvertently click on a sponsor link which leads them to a drive by download site. There are a number of free third party software which adds content blocking. I recommend CyberGuard’s Webwasher Classic. Webwasher cleans a webpage of its banners, animations, scripts and popup windows. As an added bonus it provides excellent cookie management – users can filter out third party cookies. There are other free add-ons, including: IE7Pro and Reify’s Turnabout. Both of these products integrate themselves in to IE 7 and add itself to the menu bar.
Have you ever started a download and, just as it was 99% completed, you lost the connection to the Internet? You ended up losing everything and having to start from scratch. Well, you don’t ever have to suffer this tragedy again. Download managers can speed up downloads as well as resume downloads which were inadvertently disconnected. Both Firefox and Opera come with their own download managers. In addition, both web browsers can enhance their download managers with add-on (e.g. Firefox’s FlashGot extension). Internet Explorer 7 does not have its own download manager but there are a number of free download managers which can integrate themselves in to IE 7. Even better, most of them have click tracking. By just clicking on a download link, the download manager automatically launches and begins downloading. I recommend using Free Download Manager, a free third party add-on with no adware or any other non sense. Other good alternatives include: LeechGet, GetRight and WellGet. Both LeechGet and WellGet are freeware while GetRight is shareware. WellGet is no longer being developed.
I think many web users under appreciate the value of a good spell checker. It comes in handy when you want to write a comment for a post or write a message. Firefox 2.0 is the first version to offer an integrated spell checker. In the case of IE 7, users can install ieSpell, a free add-on which provides spell checking just a click away.
Mouse gestures allow a user to navigate the web without using the navigation toolbar. Usually, a user holds down a predefine mouse button and drags the mouse. For example, holding down the right mouse button and dragging to the left reloads the previous webpage. Another example, holding down the right mouse button and drawing a line through a link opens the link in a new tab. Both Firefox and Opera have a mouse gesture feature. In Firefox, you need to add the mouse gestures extension while Opera has one built in. IE 7 users can also enjoy the benefits of mouse gestures by using Unhsolution’s Easy Go Back.
IE 7 has a decent RSS reader but users can install Windows Live toolbar which adds greater RSS feed discovery and management. In addition, Windows Live toolbar has a decent auto form filler. My favorite Windows Live add-on is Onfolio; it allows users to save cache copies of web content on to the hard drive for offline viewing. Users can create folders to organize these “clippings.”
In conclusion, IE 7 is a vast improvement over IE 6 – it only took Microsoft 5 years to develop – but there is room for improvement. There are a number of third party add-ons which can improve on an already decent web browser.
CyberNotes: Do more with Internet Explorer 7
I prefer to use Firefox or Opera myself, but I have become accustomed to the community that surrounds those browsers and therefore find it hard to break away from either of them. One thing that wouldn’t hold me back from using IE 7 is a lack of features, because it has quite a few nice additions that take their browser to the next level. Not only that, but you can get add-ons that do even more like restoring your tab session after a crash, blocking ads, integrating mouse gestures, and adding RSS notifications.
Here are some of my favorite add-ons available for Internet Explorer 7:
–Find As You Type (Homepage / Mirror [version 1.1])–
This add-on we have actually written about before, but I find it to be such a necessary feature in other browsers that I had to include it in this list. Basically, it will let you search for words on a website instantly while you type them.
It is very similar to Firefox’s “Find as you Type” feature. In Firefox this can be initiated by pressing an apostrophe if you don’t have this feature enabled to automatically start while you type. In Opera you can use this feature by pressing the period (”.”) key and then typing your search term.
–IE7pro (Homepage / Mirror )–
If you use Internet Explorer on a regular basis then you’ll probably find this extension to be unbelievably useful. It has all of the best features that people talk about loving the most in other browsers, such as mouse gestures and ad blocking. These are just some of the customization options that you’ll find in the add-on:
The other thing that you’ll notice is that the add-on installs an icon in the Status Bar of the browser. If you click on that little icon it will offer several different things that you can do, including refreshing the current page at a given interval or saving the site to an image file (it automatically scrolls the entire site to create the screenshot). Here is what that menu looks like:
–Feeds Plus (Homepage / Mirror)–
Microsoft did a nice job of integrating RSS into Internet Explorer 7, but they could have still taken the extra step to add some features to make it even more useful. The IE RSS team must have had some things that they just couldn’t fit into the final release though, because they too have developed their own add-on.
You can group your feeds into folders and then browse all of the news contained in that folder, making it much easier if you have a large number of feeds that you read. It also adds a notification popup to notify you when there are new feed items!
There are actually more add-ons for Internet Explorer than you probably think. When I started looking around I was surprised to see the things available that add a lot of the features people boast about in other browsers. Of course, one of the biggest reasons that people use other browsers is because of the security vulnerabilities that are constantly being found in Internet Explorer, and unfortunately there is no add-on to fix that problem.
Internet Explorer 7 is still not my browser of choice, but it is leaps and bounds better than the previous versions that were offered. Now that Vista is shipping on all new computers it will be interesting if that impacts Internet Explorer’s market share for the better, or if it will continue to decline as people search for other browser alternatives. I can’t wait to look back in a few years to see how browsers have evolved to meet the demand of users turning to more and more online services to get things done.